Everyone is a leader in his own ability and capacity. The success behind any kind of organization is effective leadership and administration. However, there are people who are born as leaders but it's important to note that leadership and administration is an art and every art can be learnt. I have met many people who never thought of being leaders but have effectively learnt the art of leadership and emerged as leaders to be admired.

In any kind of leadership, the first area of effective administration is the administration of funds. Be it in business, government departments, church or any other kind of organization, you will have the most effective leadership if you learn to use the funds properly. If any of your employees wants to paralysis your operations and bring down decades your leadership, the first place to target is your finance or/and accounting department. Your employees in this area should therefore be people of integrity and who have internalized the vision of your organization.

The second area that determines how effective you will be in your leadership is managing people. The human resource directly affects the operations of your organization. You must begin by placing every employee in the department where he/she will work best. You therefore begin by identifying where to place your staff. This means that an effective leader is close his or her staff and spends time them. After placing them in their rightful places, you need to monitor their performance. Performance of your staff is closely tied to motivation. Every employee needs to be motivated. This entails different strategies. Know which kind of motivation to use. It is not necessary to promise your staff a reward for good performance. This may bring in unhealthy competition, hatred and lack of cooperation between staff who want to out-do each other. Therefore reward unexpectedly.

Motivation may be as cheap to the organization as recognition, but make sure you recognize a staff in the midst of others. Do not do it in a closed office. It may not serve the purpose. Other strategies may include promotions, gifts, added responsibilities and increase in salary. You must also ensure that your staffs are working as a team. Working together ensures the staffs are focused towards the goals of the organization.

Effective leaders give an ear to every stakeholder of the organization. Know that the whole organization is looking on you to give direction. Begin by listening to every stakeholder then give a direction. Sometimes it's necessary to give directions basing on what you believe is best for the organization regardless of other peoples views. But this should not be always because it does not mean that you are always right. Conflict resolution strategies are important. Know that there will always arise conflicts. The win/win strategy works best for most organizations. Therefore make sure that each of the conflicting parties does not feel offended.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


What makes your business go down? There are many reasons why that business may not be performing to the expectations. The following article tries to open your eyes towards particular factors that may be hindering you business. Carefully, study the reasons below and see which identify with you business.

Loss of customers
Is you customer base the same as when you were making high profits? If you have lost any single client then establish why he/she was not happy. Remember that your business exists to satisfy customers.

Dissatisfied workers
Your staff will determine whether you will be successful or not. Dissatisfied employees will do their best to frustrate you efforts. Employees who are not close to you are fear your presence may be unwilling to air their grievances. Encourage employee unions and cooperatives.

Extravagant spending
Are you spending the incomes in the right projects? Your failures may be actually because of unwise spending. Cut down cost as possible but not at the expense of quality services. Remember, that quality should not be compromised.

Declining public image
Sometimes people buy your products because of the good name that your business holds. If they perceive that you are loosing customers, then be sure that you will loose more. Ensure that you guard against a bad name. A good name is business goodwill.

Dissatisfied suppliers
How have you been treating your suppliers as they deserve? Well treated supplies will ensure that you get quality raw materials that will in turn give quality products.

Guidelines to Effective delegation

Power, duties and responsibilities can effectively be passed on to subordinate staff to facilitate a smooth running of your business and hence result in profitability. The following guidelines will help you have a competitive edge and put your business on the tract of profitability.
1. You must grant proper amount of authority to the person who is given the responsibility. The authority should always achieve the desired outcome. Granting excess authority may encourage misuse of power.
2. Define the results expected to be achieved. This means that the managers should set and define in advance the expected results.
3. You must as well consider the capabilities of the subordinates. This means that before delegating authority, managers should consider the experience, background and intelligence of the person the authority is being delegated to.
4. Clearly state the delegated authority. Subordinate should know how the amount of authority and responsibility granted to them.
5. Where necessary, you need to allow for the modification of the delegated authority and responsibility. You must consider changes in your environment and react to them in the best way. You must therefore retain the powers to revoke, increase or decrease delegated authority.
6. You must develop the willingness to delegate. This means that subordinates should be allowed to work without necessarily receiving direct instructions from the manager.
7. Develop a supportive working environment. This includes a positive attitude and encouraging subordinates to participate in the decision making process.
8. Allow free communication. This helps you learn the problems facing your business and adopt proper mechanisms.
9. Establish control mechanisms. You should control the responsibility and authority delegated.

Herbal health

The increase of diseases and the sophistication of complications in the human body have left the world wondering where to turn to. But there seem to be some sign of hope in the herbal medication. The world is drastically changing to this kind of medication, a speed that can only be compared to the way technology is growing. The cause of the rise in complications is that people have ignored the key principles of life and this has left us with no medical solutions to most problems. These problems simply arise when few individuals want to become rich quickly and therefore violate the basic human principles to healthy living. Do you remember the uproar when GMOs were introduced? I wonder what has been done about it. Many people have blamed science which comes up with such kind of products and afterwards disqualify them as harmful. the truth is that thou the world needs cheap foods, this should not be done at the expense of human health.

The herbal medics are offering an alternative solution towards for such kind of dilemmas. It is painful for people to hear that the medicine we take could as well leave a lot of chemicals in the body which later needs detoxification. One would wonder why medication should also turn deadly. This and other simply facts that should convincing have formed the basis for herbal specialists to argue and defend their medications. In Africa this has not be absorbed very easily. Herbs were associated with witchcraft and therefore it took the church a long time to buy the idea of herbal health. Anyway, what matters to a sick individual is the need to get well and not by what means.

What shapes politics and democracy in Africa?

Africa has for a long time been seen as the continent where democracy is a mere dream and far much beyond reality. I must admit that this mentality greatly affects the path of politics in this wealthy continent. Believe it or not, there are great similarities between campus and national politics in Africa. If you ever want to predict what will be the outcome of the elections in any Africa country, just spend quality time studying the politics in the local African universities. It is sad to note that this happens mostly because of the deep rooted tribalism in these countries. African politics is a dangerous affair where ethnicity is the order of the day. They say that politics is a dirty game; you will not know how dirty it is until you know what happens at the back of most African politics.
The most frightening thing is the reality that ethnicity greatly affects campus politics, the place where most of the African leaders are molded and trained to take responsibilities in the national leadership. I would not expect leaders who survived on tribal lines during their years in campus to change when they climb the leader. We have known students leaders to be people who promise heaven, pretending to be reformists and delivering hell during their term in leadership. I have found this characteristic in most African leaders. They are only seen in their constituencies during campaigns with a packet of maize flour and sugar, after which they disappear till the last year towards the end of their term. What Africa needs to learn is that the rat and cat game that most leaders are fond of playing should be brought to a stop.